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iSMA Configurator

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iSMA Configurator, a Windows-based freeware configuration tool made for non-programmable iSMA CONTROLLI devices.
Powerful and Portable
iSMA Configurator is dedicated to an I/O and network configuration, firmware updates, and troubleshooting of non-programmable iSMA CONTROLLI devices, like multiprotocol I/O modules, wall panels, communication gateways. iSMA Configurator communicates with the devices using various protocols, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, or USB. It allows for saving the configuration to multiple devices, saving the device tree for each site, and adjustment of remote parameters. The iSMA Configurator is portable and needs at least Windows 7.

Key Features
Free of charge, maintenance-free software
Device and firmware management
The firmware is downloaded automatically from the iSMA CONTROLLI server
Device tree to support the management of each site
Diagnostics and configuration of non-programmable devices
Communicate with a device using USB or communication protocols
Device discovery system in both Modbus and BACnet
Remote device management and firmware update